This Is Water

Field recordings from the Oregon Coast used to create three pieces that phase between one another filling the halls of Oregon State University's Marine Science Institute

Parallel Studios
Audio Programming

This Is Water is a piece commissioned by Oregon Arts Commission, and Oregon State University, for the Oregon State University Marine Science Institute. Keanu collaborated with Parallel Studio, and Site Specific Work to create this visual art and audio piece. The audio used was sourced by community members, who were given a recording cheatsheet, and handheld field recorders. These community members went out and collected sounds that represented water. These sounds were compiled and transformed into a piece that phases between two major themes: humanity and nature. The audio contains elements found both beneath the water, and on land around Newport Oregon.

This composition can be heard emanating from custom made vitrines throughout Oregon State University’s Marine Science Studies Building. The pieces can be heard throughout the halls seamlessly phasing between one another.

Keanu’s specific role in this collaboration was to create a recording cheatsheet that was user friendly for any level of participant while also sourcing adequate recording equipment for them to use. In addition to creating a sound delivery system that fit inside of the vitrines by sourcing amps, speakers, and playback devices, Keanu also consolidated the field recordings, mixed them, and used them to compose three separate, but integrated pieces.

Photos thanks to Site Specific and Oregon State University

This Is Water

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