Environmental Instrument

Instrument that uses its environment to compose

Audio Programming
Programmer • Designer

The Environmental Instrument translates data from its surroundings into frequencies. This project was conceived when Keanu wanted to create a non-standard notation piece that incorporated an element of unpredictability. The instrument using three sensors that control separate waveforms: a light sensor, a temperature sensor, and a motion sensor. The light sensor controls the most prevalent frequency, meaning that more light will equal higher frequencies, and less light will equal lower frequencies. Similarly, the temperature sensor changes its frequency positively with increased temperatures, and negatively with decreased temperatures. The pitch, roll, and yaw all control separate frequencies as well. A negative or positive pitch, roll, and yaw, will control the frequencies respectively. These sensors are read and turned into frequencies by using a Teensy 3.2, and the Teensy audio library.

Environmental Instrument

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