45° N

Gallery piece for Portland State University

Portland State University
Audio Programming
Composer • Install

The Portland State University Sonic Arts and Music Production program explores the natural cycle of circadian rhythms within the urban bustle of Portland with their visual and audio art installation, 45°N: Circadian Rhythms. Each student used a combination of field recording, synthesis, and other forms of audio editing to represent the soundscape for the location in an emotional and literal sense. To give the listener a more immersive experience, they developed a visual representation of their location with lighting evocative of the time of their recording. Student at the time Keanu Yokoyama, helped to conceptualize the idea behind the installation. This consisted of also composing a piece named 'Tanner Springs', which was a sonic representation of the Tanner Springs Park in downtown Portland. This also included installing the hardware for the pieces in the gallery.

Sound Art is an exploration of the aesthetic, emotional, and physical qualities of sound. Unburdened by the various theoretical frameworks which surrounds traditional music, the sound artist is free to utilize an unlimited palette of sounds. Sound artists critically examine human perception and their relationships with nature, time, space, human bodies, and each other through the ephemeral medium of sound.

45° N

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